A lot of resources are available for SQL Injection attack, however I will be focusing on the SQL injection protection sample codes in ASP.net. Wherever I meet developers, […]
Recently I got an opportunity to test Refinery CMS, often shortened to Refinery, is an open source content management system written in Ruby as a Ruby on Rails web application with jQuery used as […]
The cPanel security team has identified several security concerns in their control panel software. They have also released patches to address all these security concerns with […]
The Joomla team just released a new Joomla version 3.4.6 to fix serious vulnerability, i.e. remote code execution. Directly from the Joomla announcement: Browser information is not […]
vBulletin on 03 Nov 2015 released security patches. The vBulletin 5.1.4 to 5.1.9 is vulnerable to PHP Object injection, where attacker can take control of the […]
Most of the time when it comes to web application penetration testing, I like to initiate the foreplay with “Forgot Your Password” feature. Sometimes it is […]
If you are a Joomla user, just UPGRADE it to the latest version, here or download new installation package here. Joomla officials have announced a new release Joomla! […]