Web App Pentest checklist
The Complete Checklist to Web App Pentest (OWASP Top 10)
February 1, 2023
rce Vulnerability in Atom
Remote Code Execution Vulnerability in  Atom CMS 2.0 (CVE-2022-25487)
February 3, 2023

February 3, 2023

As we settle into 2023, businesses must recognize the severity of these threats, employ intrusive security assessments, identify and address all weak spots and fend off attackers successfully. Selecting the right penetration testing service company is the best way for businesses to achieve this and stay one step ahead of attackers. While numerous pen test companies exist and do an adequate job of protecting web applications, only a few stand out as exceptional tools.

While each of these remarkable tools can generate excellent results, their offerings are unique. It is a good recommendation to go through these companies and understand what they do, their offerings, and if their offerings match your unique web app security requirements.

To help companies to make an informed decision, we took the extensive list of current web app pentest service providers and condensed it down to a handful of the best companies in terms of their offerings and capabilities.

This informative read can help businesses get closer to proactively strengthening their web application’s security posture against known and emerging threats that may arise in 2023.

What is Web App Pentesting?

Web application penetration testing uses automated or manual tests on a target web application and its components, including source codes, database, and back-end network. Its primary purpose is to identify security flaws, vulnerabilities, and threats.

Unlike the broad scope of regular penetration tests, web application penetration tests focus specifically on identifying vulnerabilities in a business’s web applications. Once the tester identifies the vulnerabilities, they launch simulated attacks from an attacker’s perspective on the target applications.

The ultimate goal of this simulated exploit is to devise countermeasures to prevent real-world exploits proactively. The penetration tester works with the same tactics, environment, and conditions that an attacker would be subject to for increased authenticity of the exploit.

The Best Web App Penetration Testing Companies

Without further ado, here are the best web application pen test service companies:

1. SecureLayer7

SecureLayer7 is an international continuous web application penetration test company that has the best in-house developed automated pen tests that can quickly identify a broad range of known CVEs in application libraries.

SL7 additionally provides an extensive manual security testing service with a methodology carefully designed based on the successful results obtained from multiple industry-tested and case-specific solutions.

SL7’s web application penetration testing methodology spans eight strategic stages: scoping, mapping and service identification, reconnaissance and enumeration, scanning, vulnerability identification, penetration testing reporting, strategic mitigation, and verification fixing.

This methodology identifies vulnerabilities based on industry standards, including PCI Compliance, OWASP Top Ten, and NIST 800-53. After concluding the test, SecureLayer7 generates a comprehensive business-oriented report of its findings.

It also performs patch verification to check if the penetration test resolved all vulnerabilities, optimized the web app’s security measures, and solved compliance issues.

The company’s approach to providing a strategic combination of automated and manual testing, strategic mitigation, and patch verification are some of its most advantageous features that seal its position as a top-tier web app pentest solution.

Another significant feature of SL7’s pen tests is its comprehensive reports that include an executive summary, test scope, approach and methodology, OWASP Top 10 Summary, critical findings summary, detailed web app findings, graphical representation of vulnerabilities, recommendations, deep insights, advised prioritization, security advice, and conclusion.

Our business-oriented reports ensure that all business stakeholders, regardless of their technical knowledge or prowess, understand the findings, their ramifications, and the remediation actions necessary for mitigation.

2. RedTeam Security

RedTeam Security is a research-oriented web application penetration testing company that is a great solution to assess a client’s web environment and identify and mitigate vulnerabilities and other potential real-world risks from some of those present in OWASP Top 10.

They have a team of expert software developers that have the necessary knowledge and expertise to uncover the most common flaws made by developers in their web application development cycle before they lead to security events.

The company’s most crucial web app pen test features include on-demand pen test tools, a dedicated client portal, risk analysis reporting, and free remediation testing.

3. Veracode

Veracode is a cloud-based penetration testing platform that leverages automated and manual penetration testing tools to help developers scan, identify and remediate vulnerabilities and security flaws in web applications.

It is a great platform to build trust and reduce the likelihood of attacks and data leaks through its risk management, compliance assistance, and governance assistance features.

Veracode’s most significant feature is that it is a cloud-based service that includes automated and manual web application pen tests.

Other noteworthy features are its capability to generate actionable insights and recommendations to help strengthen your web security posture and compliance assistance.

4. Invicti

Invicti is an automated vulnerability assessment company that allows businesses and developers to conduct continuous automated penetration tests on web apps. It is a quick, easily repeatable, and readily deployable solution that can automatically scan thousands of web apps and APIs for vulnerabilities.

Although it does not have manual or black box scanning capabilities, Invicti can safeguard live environments from attacks by scheduling regular automated vulnerability assessments within the software development lifecycle.

Invicti’s key feature is that it is a Google Chrome-based crawling engine that understands and crawls HTML5, Web 2.0 applications, single-page applications, and other applications using JavaScript Frameworks.

It can also examine any online application supported by HTTP and HTTPS protocols. Invicta vulnerability management tools integrate well with existing workflows.

5. GetAstra

GetAstra is a web app pentest company that provides users with an intelligent vulnerability scanning platform that helps them analyze and fix vulnerabilities and business logic errors within web applications.

It also offers comprehensive dashboards with risk analytics detailing the results of your scans for businesses and their developers to monitor and track the status of their web applications. After successful remediation and proven with a rescan, Astra provides its users with a certificate verifying that your safety measures are up to the mark. 

Its key feature is that its platform can easily integrate your software development lifecycle to run scheduled continuous scanning and uncover exposures.

Astra’s penetration tests also provide businesses with detailed reports explaining the test cases, prioritizing critical vulnerabilities, and providing accurate risk scores.

Secure Your Web App with SecureLayer7’s Comprehensive Penetration Tests

SecureLayer7’s web application penetration tests help customers to spot high-risk vulnerabilities such as using components with known vulnerabilities, SQL Injection, cross-site scripting, broken access control, broken identification & authentication, security misconfigurations, sensitive data exposures, XML external entities, insecure deserialization, server-side request forgery, and insufficient logging & monitoring which may result in severe attacks.

Our PaaS services include application testing, mobile app penetration testing, thick client penetration testing, and VOIP penetration testing. We are renowned amongst enterprises and SME organizations that use our penetration testing application to perform and act on continuous pen tests.

We additionally help businesses securely maintain their cloud infrastructure by detecting and quarantining vulnerabilities in AWS, Azure, and Kubernetes systems at a reasonable cost. Our network security service ensures that your corporate infrastructure complies with industry regulations and follows the best network security practices reducing the risk of attacks on devices and servers.

SL7 provides full security service to your web application with automated and manual testing to identify and remediate all risks challenging your application security. Contact us to find out how we identify and mitigate all your web application vulnerabilities.


Businesses often face the tough decision of selecting a pen test service amongst the numerous pentest companies available today. Here are our top picks for the best web app pentest companies to help businesses narrow down the search and select the ideal pentest service provider.

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